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Play-Asia Search (crypto friendly):

Want To Make A Grown Man Cry: Get Him The #LiarPrincess and The #BlindPrince from @NISAmerica on #NintendoSwitch. #LiarPrincessBlindPrince.


It’s a beautiful game with incredible musical composition, illustrations, and writing. Vibrant backgrounds, and animations.
It’s a story of a Prince who meets, what in two ways, is a lying bitch. They end up in an epic quest, where friendship and redemption are discovered.
In some ways it mirrors the theme of the beautiful and cleaver Yomawar, a game that has a nasty lesson in lies.

But this is an odd thing, because in all my toxic and hard masculinity, I have rarely cried in a response to fiction. As kid when the Government got Alf and when the Octopath Traveler Merchant’s Story passed by a couple of moments. When she offered to give the Captain a treasure, and when she discovered her treasure at her end bit.
But this actually did it. I don’t know why, perhaps it’s because I had many dogs, and perhaps I was lied to a lot by girls, and always hoped to see them apologize. I have no idea, but it hit a bloody cord, the fact I would admit this, that for a brief moment I was pussing out on my emotional stoic guard, shows what brilliance this game is.
I do not recommend missing this. It wasn’t even all that expensive with an art book and sound track, frankly if it was the usual 80 bucks, I’d feel satisfied.
Put it in a damn art museum, I am a bloody art snob, and I think some games, like this and Yomawari, need that consideration.

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Categories Switch, Video Games

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